Silver Mufti Heads The List Of Recipients Of The State Award

Slot Online Terpercaya Sultanof PerakSultan Nazrin. Shah today conferredthe King88Bet link

Judul of SenimanDirajaRoyal Artist. Oon thecountrys

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Sultan Nazrinbestowed the. Honour on72at the

Investiture ceremonyfor Perak statewards andmedal

Recipients inconjunction withthe. Birthday celebrationof

His Royal Highnessat BalairongSeri. Istana Iskandariah heree

Also in attendancewere Raja. Permaisuri PerakTuanku

Raja MudaRaja JaafarRaja Muda. Musa andRaja

Puan Besarerak NazhatulShima. Ssultan IdrisShah

Present were DeputyPrime Minister. Datuk Serihmad

Zahid Hamidiand Perak. Menteri BesarSeri Saaranik

On Juli whenopening. Galeri Rumahat inatu King88Bet link

Gajahssultan Nazrinannounced. The confermentof thee

Seniman Diraja titleon Lat. The honourwas

In recognitionof the meaningful. Role andimmense

Contribution bythe great. Artist inintroducing

Malaysia on theinternational. Stage andmaking

The country ffamous. Chief ofddefence

Fforces Generalan Sriohammad. Ab Rahmanand

DDeputy Inspectorgeneralof. PoliceSeriAyob KhanMydin

Pitchay wereconferred theDato. SSeri PanglimaTaming

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Sari SPTSaward whichcarries. Thee judul

Datuk Serianglima alsocarries. The titlee

Perak State FinanceOfficer. MMMohd accu Mahyuddinm

Wwas conferredthe. Darjah Dato also carries the titlepaduka

Cura SiManja KiniDPCaward. King88Bet link

Which carriesthe judul. Datukwhile atotal of

Rrecipients wereawarded the. Darjah DatoPPaduk

MahkotaPerakDPMP whichh. King88bet Live Chat

They wereNew Straits. Times PressMalaysia Berhad dNSTP

Grup managingeditor. Datuk AhmadZaini

Kamaruzzaman Malaysian. High Commissioner

To India MuzafaShahPerak.Women. FFamily social

Welfare andEntrepreneurs. Development Committee

Cchairman andemengorassemblyman. Salbiah Mohamedand

Former deputyminister of. Health dr Leeboon

Chyewho is also former. Anggota of Parliamentfor Gopeng

Also conferredthe award. EWere Perak Publik

Works Departmentdirector. HamdanAli

Perak EducationDepartment directorr

Mohamad FauziMahson. RRajaermaisuri Bainun

Hospitaldirector Dr. Megat IskandarMegat

Abdul Hamid Ministryof. Finance TaktikcInvestment

Divisi Secretary. Nor EniIsmail and Slot Online Terpercaya

Perbadanan PembangunanPertanian. Negeri Perakchief

Executive officerYahanis Yahyaa. King88Bet link

Receiving the samehonour. Was CourtofAppeal JudgeDatukk

S.M. KomathySuppiah who. Should havereceived it lastyear

Leong WengFoon andCommander. Of the SecondInfantry

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Doktor nanagngangalang. SamuelPangestu

By Jim

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